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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Two men who claim to speak for Scotland–but only one does …


  1. For reasons that aren't too hard to figure out, I'm no fan of Ian Bell over at The Herald, but I found this piece rather worth reading:

  2. It was an excellent article, and as I said on yesterdays blog, it saved me the trouble of saying the same things.

  3. Hi Peter,

    I sometimes wonder what kind of person Mr Moore really is and why he thinks he has any right to expect answers to his "questions"? By any measure he is part of a failed party with absolutely no Scottish mandate whatsoever and yet he persists in behaving like a headmaster addressing an unruly, disrespectful pupil. (Pick either the SNP or the Scottish electorate as the unruly pupil.)

    Is he delusional? Is he mad, or does he really, seriously think he has a relevant part to play? I don't know, but some of the things he comes away with make me wonder how much of a grasp of reality he actually has.

    The Scottish people certainly have the right both to ask such questions of the SNP and to receive convincing answers, but most of the answers to Mr Moore's questions are quite straightforward and are already common knowledge amongst the interested. The really interesting questions are for Mr Moore to answer himself on behalf of the United Kingdom. You pose these questions almost weekly and we have never had as much as a ghost of a reply from him and his ilk.


  4. No, of course he's not delusional or mad, Rab - he believes in what he's doing, and if the polls are accurate, a substantial number of Scots agree that his role should continue, and that Scotland should not be independent.

    That's what we must change by rational argument and facts. But to do that, we must shift the viewpoint of those who believe in the Union, not an easy task.
