Here it is in a nutshell - the Green Paper only presents options, including the one that the SNP Government is fundamentally opposed to - charging students for higher education. Listen to Mike Russell, SNP and you know what he and the SNP stand for - no students fees.
Scottish Labour is in favour of fees - their UK boss, Ed Miliband has given them their orders. The Scottish Tories and the LibDems are in favour of fees - their UK bosses, the ill-fated ConLib Coalition have already implemented a fee increase, in the face of student protests and riots.
Scottish students - you know who is defending your interest - the SNP and only the SNP. Don't be fooled by the doubletalk of the Holyrood Three UK Stooges - Gray, Goldie and Scott. They've already sold you down the river.
Scottish students – get on the streets sooner rather than later and show your support for the SNP – your only champions. You are in the last chance saloon – it’s your futures, your careers, your lives that are at stake.
Act now!