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Showing posts with label Purcell Affair" Glasgow "Glasgow City Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purcell Affair" Glasgow "Glasgow City Council. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

John Mason questions Gordon Brown on Purcell Affair at PMQs

The last PMQs of this corrupt Parliament.

Gordon Brown refuses to answer Glasgow East SNP MP John Mason's question about an inquiry over the Purcell Affair and possible municipal corruption in Glasgow.

Instead of answering the question, Brown chooses to attack John Mason's voting record in the Commons, using the odd phrases "He came down here to this Parliament and ... He should go back to Scotland and ...."

Yes, he did come down here, Gordon, but reluctantly, like all SNP members of Parliament, because they have little choice but to try and influence the corrupt system - while it lasts - to address the needs of the people of Scotland. And he will go back to Scotland and tell the people of Glasgow East the contempt with which this Labour Government and its unelected Leader treats their elected representative 

But your days are numbered, Gordon, and to my astonishment, I find myself saying that a Tory win - which I am hopeful may be in the context of a hung Parliament - is a price worth paying to get you and your sorry gang out of power.