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Sunday 16 October 2011

Margaret Curran exposes the vacuum at the heart of Team Scotland

The sound of a lonely wind blowing through the vacuum of Labour's policies - no idea what they stand for, forgotten what they used to stand for ...

Scottish Labour – they’ve learned nothing, forgotten nothing. But they’ve rediscovered a place called Scotland, after a long amnesia.

And Team Scotland will save the people of Scotland from the government they’ve elected twice, the second time with a massive, decisive majority – the SNP, and their wicked leader, Alex Salmond, and separationLabour can’t bring itself to say independence. Of course, they’ll do all the saving from England – Westminster to be precise.

And what does Labour now stand for? Well, democracy, motherhood – well, all that stuff … They feel no need to spell it out.

But they have one shining, eternal principle, one that they’ll die for, metaphorically speaking – the right of England to rule the Scots!

We understand at last, Margaret – that’s why you and Cathy buggered off down the high road to England, well away from the grinding realities of the daily lives of your constituents. And it’s much nicer in the Palace of Westminster, with all the delights of London on a fat salary and expenses, although since Michael – sorry, Lord Martin went, they’re not quite what they were.

Aye, right …


  1. Thanks, as always, for the video clips.

    The Brit nat who slumped himself, without even a tie - looks like he's just out of the local - couldn't say 'separation' enough.

    I think he has separation Tourettte's.

    He really is an example of the sort who careered his way up and doesn't want to lose his position. There can be no political place for this man in our new Scotland.

    I want to see a country with politicians who govern in the best interests of the people - he doesn't strike me as representing the people even just a tiny wee bit.

  2. She is spouting more of the same.

    She (if the night of May 5th is anything to go by) doesn't know Labour's policies in Scotland. But even if she does -

    'not even one policy'?, disbelievingly wailed the interviewer.

    - it rings loud and clear that there aren't any policy differences between the two sides of the same coin.

    The cry, 'jobs, jobs, jobs' is where they think they can get traction but that was before Thatcher destroyed the trades unions and Labour left them destroyed.

    they failed to produce those jobs when in power and the SNP is actually performing that role to the best of its ability - given the Holyrood limitations.
